
Friday, February 18, 2011

Breastfeeding Blog Hop - Sweet Support

Diary of a Devil Dog Wife

This weeks topic is sweet support.

I would have to say I found the most support through a few of my friends. I never even thought breastfeeding was an option for me, so I didn't know much about it. I wasn't prepared in any way. So I leaned on my friends both IRL and online. I also started attending La Leche League meetings which not only taught me a lot, but gave me confidence to nurse in public and to stand up to anyone who might think I was doing something "wrong".


  1. Breastfeeding for me was a challenge. I felt like I was the ONLY one that just "couldn't get it". I seriously thought.. "it's not for me". But, I've gone 5 weeks into breastfeeding my son and I love it. With my daughter, I didn't have great support. So, I didn't breastfeed. Plus, with hormones - ughh. But anyways, I support!

  2. thanks for linking up for this week's blog hop!

    isn't LLL amazing?!? :)

  3. I've never been to a LLL meeting. With the boys it was just to hectic and with Judah I haven't felt the need...maybe I should find one to go to! Thanks for linking up this week- I hope we see you again in the coming weeks. (I followed you back, you've got a cutie!)

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog - following you now. Glad you found support and decided to try nursing!

    ~Darcy @ Tales From the Nursery~


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