
Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I absolutely cannot believe that it's february! I feel like this year is just flying by already. I think that's what happens when you have a child though. Valentine's Day is right around the cornor. It's one of my favorite holidays. Even when I was single. What other time of the year can you get reeses hearts? None!

Speaking of Valentine's Day, the hubbs and I decided to actually go out, alone. This will be the 2nd time we've left Jacob with someone else, but the 1st time we are going out for us. We could really use the time together. We also have the benefit of being able to do lunch instead of dinner. So there shouldn't be too many crowds. I know it'll be hard to leave Jacob at the daycare, but I want him to be around other kids anyway. It's only for 3 or so hours I keep telling myself.

I've been in search of a new baby carrier. I just feel like nothing fits us. I had a playdate with a friend of mine and her insanely adorable daughter. Jacob was nice for the most part. It's still something I try to work on with him. He is only 15 months though. I can't expect him to know that he needs to share. But I will continue to teach him those types of things. Hopefully one day he'll get it! Anyway, my friend was able to show me how to properly use a baby hawk [mei tai]. I borrowed one from another friend awhile back. I'm not sure what I was doing wrong, but it just wasn't working out. Jacob was sagging. It hurt my shoulders. After trying it on the right way I really want one! The hubbs gave me the okay. So now the question is, which fabric! I want something semi-neutral at least. We don't plan to have another baby for probably 2-3 years, but I would like to keep the carrier. So here are the choices!


I feel like the 2nd one is more gender neutral, but that either could work for a boy or girl. I really like them both though. So opinions are welcome!


  1. I do like the second one!
    April @ Marine Parent's- Blog is doing Amelia's 1st b-day giveaway and an Ergo baby carrier is one of the prizes!
    You may have entered since thats where I found you last year but just sayin. MommyDoes...

  2. I love the second print! It is way cute and totally you!

  3. I love the second one, it's so much brighter and cheerier. :-)


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